
Over the last decade, Royal Jozini has introduced game species into our private game reserve that have increased year on year in numbers to the point that we now sit at full carrying capacity. The ability of the reserve to hold large numbers of both grazers and browsers is likely unsurpassed in the region due to the high calibre of the veld.


The bushveld surrounding the lake is gorgeously framed by the Lebombo Mountains, creating a stunning landscape, and ensuring breathtaking sunsets. The animals around Lake Jozini, elephants in particular, are so accustomed to fishing activity and boat safari cruises that game-viewers get unsurpassed sightings from close up.

game encounters

Ongoing habitat management ensures best sightings are achieved for our investors and visitors alike. Using the strategic placement of both naturally and borehole-supplied watering holes, water management and availability assists in the distribution of game across the reserve. The objective of seeing 5 game species within your first 5 minutes upon entry into Royal Jozini resonates across reserve management actions. Our next step is to focus on introducing more bird and game viewing hides as we strive to maximise our interaction with the wildlife of this magnificent tract of land.


Be prepared for unbelievable sightings: Our species include Aardvark, Blue Wildebeest, Bushbuck, Black-backed Jackal, Bushpig, Caracal, Chacma Baboon, Common Duiker, Common Genet, Common Reedbuck, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Impala, Kudu, Leopard, Mountain Reedbuck, Nyala, Pangolin, Porcupine, Red Duiker, Serval, Side-striped Jackal, Spotted Hyena, Steenbok, Warthog, Waterbuck, Wild Dog (on occasion) and Zebra.